- Tamara Bonet — Blog - http://tamarabonet.com/blog -

Best Waxing Pen!

Posted By Tamara Bonet On March 5, 2012 @ 9:19 am In Wax tips | 2 Comments

Best Waxing Pen

This is a technical post for fellow artists (and anyone else interested) that wants to peak at…. ….. my new Kerr Ultra Waxer 2 pen!

Oh how I’m in love with my new waxing pen. Well, I shouldn’t say new as if to imply I had an old one before. What did I have before? NOTHING but….. dental tools that I heated up very clunkily on a soldering iron or a flame from an alcohol torch; Both of which ended up burning the wax, producing toxic fumes that got to my lungs and I felt toxified!

Since I have detail sculpts, I needed a waxing pen that I could drip small amounts of wax and one that I could purchase different tips for detail works. The Ultra Waxer 2 has 10 different tips that you can buy. In these pics you’ll see 3 tips and then I have 3 more coming. (See “Edit” at conclusion of post with complete tip set photos).

Need new mold for small Dreamer!

I’ve been telling you about how I need a new mold for the small Beautiful Dreamer. Does the above pic show the reason? LOL! A good portion of the feet and ruffles ripped out of the mold! You can see some of the blue silicone mold ripped off and stuck in the wax.

I have to cut off the feet and have a separate mold made for the feet (which should have been done separately in the first place). Lots of work to do in repairing this wax in order to have a brand new mold made by the foundry. They are going to do it for material cost only since they made a mold that didn’t last.

"Small PKT"-with the blue cushion grip.

“Small PKT”-with the blue cushion grip.

The small tip works well for dripping smaller drops of wax. You dip the heated tip into a clump of wax and then drip that wax onto your wax cast as needed.

Kerr Ultra Waxer- "Large Pkt" with teal cushion.

Kerr Ultra Waxer- “Large Pkt” with teal cushion.

See the temperature readings on the Kerr Ultra Waxer 2? You set the temp for spatula 1 and then spatula 2. It has a feature to quick heat in like 15 seconds or so. I like to set one to 130 degrees for smoothing out the wax with the side of the tool and the next to 230 degrees for getting a droplet of wax on the tool and place it on the sculpture.

Holder for the pen keeps the tip protected by a guard.

Holder for the pen keeps the tip protected by a guard.

The spatulas fit very easily in these little guard pockets on the side of the machine.

Black cushion- Half hollenback tip; Red cushion- Needle

Black cushion- Half hollenback tip; Red cushion- Needle

EDIT:- Just got the black and the red cushioned tips in the mail today (have one more coming). I just love both of them. The hollenback is slightly more pointed than the needle which is good for detail. The long needle is what I used a whole bunch yesterday and love it!

Gojo smooth hand cleaner works great for smoothing wax!

Gojo smooth hand cleaner works great for smoothing wax!

Being toxified by the the burning wax (when I was using my old system) and then using lamp oil (which is a solvent and bad to breathe), by the end of the day, I was feeling close to dead (ha, ha). So now, a friend suggested using Gojo hand cleaner to smooth wax rather than lamp oil and all is well! It works very well and doesn’t bother my lungs.

Well, that’s it for now. I need to get to work right now with this new Kerr machine and work on the wax.

Thanks for listening and hope your day is working in creative ways as well.


Edit:  Just completed my set of Kerr Ultra 2 tips.

Complete Kerr Ultra 2 Tip Set [1]

Complete Kerr Ultra 2 Tip Set

Denture spoon- yellow [2]

Denture spoon- yellow

This spoon tip will work good when I need to melt a good amount of wax in order to fill a large void.

Large Denture-orange [3]

Large Denture-orange

Small Denture-pink [4]

Small Denture-pink

Small 7-grey side view [5]

Small 7-grey side view

This grey cushioned tip is probably my favorite out of these last 4 tips just because of the thin profile and sharp tip for detail work. I’m sure I will use it a lot.

Small 7-grey [6]

Small 7-grey

Love using this wax pen! [7]

Love using this wax pen!

Article printed from Tamara Bonet — Blog: http://tamarabonet.com/blog

URL to article: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/2012/03/05/best-waxing-pen/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6548.jpg

[2] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6547.jpg

[3] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6540.jpg

[4] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6546.jpg

[5] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6545.jpg

[6] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6543.jpg

[7] Image: http://tamarabonet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_6493a.jpg

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